ABLOG INTERVIEW : Young Entrepreneur & Social Media Influencer "Rhaji Kasco" speaks to Akomolafe Blog Media, Ibadan about Himself & Work.

Young Entrepreneur & Social Media Influencer "Rhaji Kasco" speaks to Akomolafe Blog Media, Ibadan about Himself, Work and other Upcoming Projects.

Read more from the Interview Below :- 

- Can we know about your Background?

  - My original name is Raji Damilola Kazeem. However, My popular name is "Rhaji kasco" and I prefer being called "Rhaji Kasco" so much because i love using thing not common. I am from Ikenne Remo in Ogun state.

   One of the childhood memories ambition was to become a celebrity.

- Can you brief us about your Educational Background?

        For my elementary education, I attended Standard Balogun Model Nursery and Primary School and Ikenne Community High School and Studying Insurance management at The Polytechnic Ibadan.

- What do you do for a living?

         I am social media Influencer, talent management ,promoter, public relation and am also a businessman. People keep attacking the fact that I don't want to like every other person. I can only be myself because every other person is taken. I don't think anyone should want to be like me, so why i should want to be like any other person?. The world is big enough for everyone and there should be something unique about everybody. 

By God grace, everyone should watch out for me soon.

- What are the Challenges you've faced in your work?

        My challenges lie in not knowing the right way to go about what i want to do. Everyone is trying to change me, though i don't see it as a challenge. I just feel that people should not judge me for not living my life the way they chose to live theirs. It is also not fair for people to say that i am not a lady because i dress in certain way.

- What Lessons have you learnt?

   We can all be whatever we want to be , irrespective of who you think you are. With prayers to God, you can make it to anywhere. You can go through anything with the right people around you. I remember there was a time i almost gave up but i had positive people around me .

- How has your background affected you?

       I really don't have much to say about that but i think it is very wrong for anyone to say that i am from a struggle background. I wont describe my family as poor because i haven't suffered all my life. Everyone is entitled to their opinions about my background because a person background doesn't determine where he or she is going to end up.

- What are you interested in?

     I love reading and make people happy

- Can we know your relationship status?
      I am single.

- How do you relax?

Whenever i want to relax, I love relaxing at a pool side alone, chatting and reading some book online.

- What is your Fashion sense like?

I love to wear anything stylish and I can do without fashion accessories. I love to dress nicely.    

 © Akomolafe Blog Media, Ibadan 2018


Award Winning Blogger, Social Media Optimizer/Strategist & Entrepreneur.

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