ABLOG INTERVIEW : The #YouFirst Agenda Is A Struggle On Its Own So I Offer Myself For The Service Of The Union - UISU'17 Aspirant, GodSent

Here's another edition of #KnowYourAspirants2017 with Oizah of WOUWO brought to your screen by Unibadan Efiwe.

Convener of #YouFirst Agenda, Omonua Godsent, a 300 Level Student of the Department of Human Kinetics and Health Education talks about His plans, role of Aluta for a vibrant Unionism and lots more.

Also, He said that "#YouFirst Agenda is  a Struggle on its own and He's offering himself for the Service of the Union."

Read Below

Can We meet you? 

Thanks Sir. My name is Omonua Godsent. A 300 Level Student of the Department of Human Kinetics And Health Education.

An aspirant for the position of the Students' Union House Secretary.

Any previous post held before? 

Class-rep:- 2014-till date, Member Department Consultative council, former member Sultan Bello Hall House of Assembly, member SRC, Sultan Bello Hall constituency, Secretary Welfare Committee, SRC.

Why House Secretary?

The welfare of students is something I am passionate about and at the same time I have observed that the welfare of students seems to have been limited to the regulation of prices of goods/services and the availability of power and water supply.

And from a more critical point of view, the essence of the Students' Union itself is to improve the welfare of its people.

As a House Secretary and the custodian of the Union's properties, I am passionate about making every property put to the best use e.g. using the Union bus to convey Uites at certain times as a means of alleviating transportation difficulties.

What does UISU mean to you? 

The UISU works in the same way as a work place union. It is a voice for all students,  campaigns for the rights of its members(students) and lobbies on key issues, bringing them to the attention of the University.

What's the relevance of the House Sec. Office to vibrant Unionism?

The real relevance of the House Secretary can be seen in the fact that the primary responsibility of the House Secretary is the welfare of students. The entire administration aim is also the welfate of students.

The House Secretary will ensure that the entire executive carry out plans and policies towards the welfare of students.

What is Aluta to you?

Aluta ordinarily means struggle, it just depends on how we carry out the struggle. It doesn't necessarily mean protest.


The only reason why students have to advocate for anything is because that thing is a basic amenity like water, sockets, and it is when we are deprived of these things that we then advocate for them.
 So the Aluta might be by the executives pressuring the management without a protest. It might also involve using the press/media to pressure the management without students protest and it might involve students protest.

In summary, Aluta means struggle.

What more do you plan to do asides prices of Goods? Also, how do you think that One Weak SU Bus can be used to ameliorate Transport issues (How efficient can the SU Bus serve)?

On the first question concerning my other plans aside price regulations: In the interest of all Uites, the YouFirst Agenda will be clinically accentuated to the consumption of all Uites subsequently.

As to the "weak" SU Bus, I never said I was going to make it a daily routine to use the bus to convey Uites, what I meant is that at some unprecedented times, let's say for the purpose of Congresses, the bus will be handy to ensure mobility.

What's the role of Aluta for vibrant Unionism?

Like I have stated earlier, Aluta does not mean protest rather struggle and whatever means we adopt to carry out such struggle will be suggested by the executive council and decided upon by the congress of greatest Uites.

Just as my favourite historical allusion goes, the union is like an onion bulb which houses and accommodates the challenges, torments, success, and the suppression of all its individual leaves.
In the same vein, our Premier Union is meant to be a confluence, a meeting point,  a liberation zone for all who belong, providing succour to all the suppressed. In a nutshell, to me, UISU is and is meant to be a Pressure group agitating for the interest of its members.

ALUTA is one word you can never take away from a Union's dictionary because it is a means to an end. The end being the liberation of the students.

How many Aluta have you participated in?

The electricity protest in 2015 which led to the 2 weeks electricity strike, the Alaran Mayowa protest, the Free Mote protest

On a lighter note, the YouFirst Agenda is a struggle on its own.

Do you see the need for an House Sec. to be Alutaistic? If yes, Why?

In interpreting the word "Alutaistic" as being struggle- conscious in the spirit of solidarity, I would categorically say YES because the last pillar of unionism is confrontation and as a House Secretary who is just a member of the single fold,  we can't  exclude him from the struggle.

The Union is for all. God Bless you.

What is/are the flaws of the current House Sec.?

The incumbent House Secretary has the enviable record of a listener, performer and being approachable. Well, speaking from my own perspective as a conscious observer,  I would say his flaws, if at all he has some, are very insignificant.

As regards, all I can say is, there are still many rivers to be crossed. The House Secretary incumbency has done his fair share.

Come 29 April, Do you think you'll win at the polls? If yes why? And if you lose, are you ready to share your ideas with the eventual winner?

Yes, by God's grace.

I believe greatest Uites will vote not based on faculty affiliation or irrelevant sentiments but will vote me because I have been proven to be a man of integrity and responsibility.

Also, I have concrete and feasible plans to improve students welfare.

If I lose, I will definitely share my plans with the victor because the interest of the union supersedes my personal interest.

Nevertheless, I Godsent Omonua offer myself for the service of the Union. Vote Godsent as House Secretary UISU'17.

What's your stand on the no banner, poster recommendation of the hallowed chamber to the UISUEC? 

From the #YouFirst Agenda point of view, it is not a bad recommendation given the basis upon which the recommendation is founded.

The  recommendations of the SRC might be a very good idea as regards the fact that it affords a prospective candidate who has little funds or no sponsor to contest.

Nevertheless, banning posters and stickers would make awareness difficult as a candidate would have to always be in contact with the voters to know who he is and what he stands for.

 In my opinion, if banners and stickers then the lifting of the ban should be done in nothing less than six to seven weeks to the day of the election to make sure room for enough intellectual debate as to the plans of the candidate.

What role have you played so far as  member of the Sixth Assembly (stewardship report)?

Every duty that has been delegated to me, I have carried them out efficiently.

Duties like?

Firstly, as a member of the Welfare committee and particularly as the Secretary of the committee, every duty delegated to me as been carried out efficiently.

Secondly, participated in the meeting with the Dean of students affairs to relay the concerns of students welfare.

Lastly, I ensured that the welfare of Honourables during sittings is well taken care of.

What defines the success of an SU dispensation?

The success of an SU administration can be determined by carrying students along through periodic congresses for that is were students can deliberate intellectually to find solutions to the problems facing the union.

Also, the Students' Union executives must be determined to ensure that they do the right thing at the right time in the interest of the Union.

The House Secretary shall be the Chairman of the welfare committee of the union while the welfare committee of the SRC is to monitor the activities of the House Secretary.

They are both in the business of improving the welfare of its students and championing the maintain cause of the union but one is surely legislatory or recommendatory while the other is executory.

Is that stipulated in the Constitution?

It is strongly deducible from the constitution.

Is it the duty of the SRC welfare committee to do this? Meeting with the dean over student welfare?

it is a Union and some times jurisdictions may be overlooked in the interest of the Union.

Why are you better than your Opponents?

What distinguishes a person amongst his peers is discipline, good intentions, and above all the passion which is crucial to the attainment of any goal.

I would say my passion for my aspiration is not far fetched at all.  Am I better than my counterparts, my opinion : YES

Also, as my passion would drive me, I have taken time to carry out a subtle understudy of students welfare concerns in the context of UI students.
As such, I humbly submit that I am qualified and ready for the task..

Ojo Aderemi, Igbonekwu Val, Hamzat Abass, Ogeleyinbo B.J ; Which of them is your favorite and Which are you pitching your tent with?

Pitching tent with may not be the apt phrase but if I should interpret it to mean who do I prefer, well,  I would say that is strictly PERSONAL.

Your Partian Shoutout/Shot? 

My shoutout goes to all Uites who have been believing in the #YouFirst Agenda. I
I wish you all the very best in this blessed week of Easter. Thank you all. Let us go and make it a reality on the 29th of April, 2017. God Bless.

Thank you for reading this Interview. Kindly share with your friends. Feel free to post this Interview on your prestigious platforms.



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