ABLOG GIST : I'll Win If UItes Believe In My Productive Plans - UISU'17 Aspirant, IBK Nation

Unibadan Efiwe brings to your Screen, another edition of #KnowYourAspirants2017 with Oizah of WOUWO and We have with Us, Oluseye Oluwamilobukunmi aka IBK Nation.

Bukunmi is vying for the post of Sports Secretary, Students' Union, University of Ibadan.

IBK talks about the Union, His passion for Sports, His contributions so far as a member of the 6th Assembly and many more in a new Interview.

Read Below;

Can We meet you Sir?

Oluseye Oluwamilobukunmi Oyewo is my name aka IBK NATION. A 300 level Student of Human Kinetics and Health Education , Faculty of Education.
I'm a resident of Bello Hall, University Of Ibadan and also an aspirant for the office of Students' Union Sport Secretary.
Tell us about previous political office(s) held

Honourable et Sultan Bello hall house of Assembly 2015/2016 ; Honourable et SU SRC 2015/2016.

What does UI Students' Union mean to You?

The Students itself.


UI Students as a whole represented by  The executives and the legislative arm.

Why Sports' Secretary?

Sport has always been something of interest to me. It is in me. I love doing sport but sometime I frown at the way sport matter is been handled in some places.

I don't want to be part of the people that will stuck their ass to their mattress and condemn people trying to develop the game.

I know I can add to the development of sport in one way or the other. Thank you.

What is the relevance of sports' ministry in Students' Unionism?

Well not everybody have interest in sport matter but I want to take it up as a duty to ensure sport matter will be a matter that will matter in UI student matter.

People only need to see reasons why sport will be beneficial to them.

I can tell you is not about participating alone but I want to add health talks which include the benefit of exercise and other things like work outs. Thank you.

If you emerge Sports' Sec. how do you intend to convince an average uite who is into just books and maybe fellowship to leave those two to either come and swim or play squash?

In life, people just need somebody to speak to them and convince them. We have sport men that were engaged in many activities and they still performed well.

 I only need people like them to give talks to them and also make them know about the extrinsic motivation. Thank you.

In past years only NUGA Contingents know the feel of Sports' Sec. and also Sports' Council. How do you plan to correct this? 

If only we are going to lie, not everybody can go to NUGA. Organising competitions in each halls will benefit everybody through the Sport council though. Thank you.

The renumeration from Sports' council for winning at  interhall or interfac games is ridiculously low, How do you intend to work on this if you emerge?

It is very low I must confess my brother. I believe with proper planning, trying to get sponsors which can contribute to the course, I believe there can be a change. Thank you.

Sponsors? It's championed by UI Sports' council not UISU don't forget so explain?

Didn't see that sorry. Series of meetings and time to convince  them will yield a positive result. Thank you.

How many Aluta Have you participated in (List) and What is the importance of Aluta in Students' Unionism?

I have participated in every Aluta since I entered in 2014/2015. I participated during the Alaran Mayowa's own, The Free Mote's own.

I think those are the major ones I can remember for now. The importance of Aluta is to care about the welfare of Uites as a whole, help present pressing issues etc. Thank you.

Do you see it of essence for a "Sports' Sec." to be alutaistic? 

Yes it is. Thank you.

What's the role of Aluta in Students' Unionism?

Making sure Students' are well represented. Thank you.

What is/are the flaw(s) of the current sports' Sec.?

I think time constraint and the problem of the sport council not allowing participation in NUGA.


He tried to convince the Sports' council with other Sport men but it was never successful but in other areas he tried.

Come 29 April, Do you think you'll win at the polls? If yes why? And if you lose, are you ready to share your ideas with eventual winner?

By God's grace I will win.... Why ? In as much Uites believe in my productive plans.

If I lose, well sport is a game of luck. It is either you win or lose. If I lose I will share my plans. Thank you.

What's your stand on the no banner, poster recommendation of the hallowed chamber to the UISUEC? 

I believe they are intellectuals. There is no problem if they do not want it but it will increase the work rate of aspirants. Thank you.

What has been your contributions so far as a member of the Sixth Assembly?

Contributing to matters that favour Uites and recently giving advice to the AGS then to include some programmes in the Freshers week(sport day). Thank you.

What defines the success of an SU dispensation? 

Achieving set objectives and also making UI students have a sense of belonging. Thank you.

That is dependent on so many factors. But overall, any dispensation that successfully represents the interests of students at the time they need it most is okay.

What's your view on a sophomore year student running for zenith seat in UISU? 

It is not a bad thing provided such a student possesses the requisite intellect and carriage.

Of Ojo Aderemi, Hamzy, Val and OBJ who you pitching your tent with?

Whoever God picks.

The question says who are you pitching your tent with?

Bros I don't understand sir.

Which of them are you supporting? 

I am not supporting anybody.. In football we don't talk about any team. I am supporting Ibk Nation only.

Why are you better than your opponent?

I would say I'm better off from the following perspectives (although they are just my personal opinion)

Firstly, My passion for sport is too great and I believe it would push me to perform well.

Secondly,  I have done am understudy of the terrain. So I am not new to the affairs of things.

Thirdly, my discipline is higher than average because discipline is very key in administration.

Lastly, my choice of study has also another icing on the cake. It gap provided me with some needed knowledge. Thank you.

Your Shoutout/partian shot?

My shoutout to all Uites who have been believing in the agenda.

Thank you for reading. Kindly share with others. Sharing is Caring. Feel free to post on your prestigious platforms.


Award Winning Blogger, Social Media Optimizer/Strategist & Entrepreneur.

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