Ese Walter gets “Naked” again! opens up in new book

In 2013, right after she published the now famous post accusing COZA pastor Biodun Fatoyinbo of sexual manipulation, Ese Walter found herself holed up in a hotel room in Abuja hiding away from the world. It’s 2017, Ese Walter now Ese Ark is married with 2 children and she is no longer hiding
Through a series of intense therapy, soul searching and forgiveness, Ese has pulled off the garments of shame that held her back for so long and exposes herself to the world in her debut powerful memoir “Naked: A Journey to Self” now available on OkadaBooks! Sign-up with this link and get N150 free credit.
 Exclusive Book Excerpt’s
VALIDATION – Do You Approve of Me?
“The first time a guy beat me I was seventeen years old. I didn’t think it was strange. I thought he loved me too much and was only angry in that moment. And the other moments that followed. However, to call myself a victim would be half-truth because in retrospect, he was a victim too… I thought my boyfriend beating me was evidence of his love for me.”
BIRTH – Two Sides Of A Mysterious Coin 
“I was told that I wasn’t breastfed. My dear mother had to go back to school to finish her education while I lived with my grandma … with all the talks about the importance of breastfeeding, I wonder sometimes if that affected my early development in any way. Could breastfeeding have saved me years of rebellion or created the special bond that seems to elude dear mother and I?”
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Other Excerpts

Religion: My Journey To Unbelief 
“One day, I declared my unbelief and called myself an unbeliever. That was the last time I pretended to believe what I didn’t believe. Till date, I don’t engage in religious arguments but I talk about consciousness and awakening every chance I get. I don’t hate Christians or religious people in general. I don’t even hate the pastor I had an affair with. I see him now as my biggest teacher on religious matters.”

Boys: Am I Inferior To Them? 
“I grew up thinking I was inferior to boys. I thought I was created to make a man happy, to serve him, to put my needs on hold to attend to his. I thought if a man wasn’t happy with how I looked, how smart I sounded, of if he didn’t think I was pretty enough, slim enough, or good enough, then I was doing something wrong.”

SEX: Is It Overrated?
“As a young adult, I had a lot of shame around sex. I couldn’t talk freely about it or express desires to engage in it. While boys were bragging about all the sex they were not having, the girls were labeled ‘bad’ if they owned up to liking sex. Two adults (male and female) have consensual sex and somehow the woman is the whore and the man is the player.”

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Award Winning Blogger, Social Media Optimizer/Strategist & Entrepreneur.

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