Young Talented Gospel music Star Chris Jelavic sets to drop hiis official Debut Single titled "Dance Go" bountifully produced by the prolific Phat E. With the splendid move on the go, he uses
his unique style of gospel Afro beat and Hip Hop to ursher his
listeners into the new year after the hustles, trials, recessions of the
previous year Chris Jelavic Says you're dancing into a greater heights
as an "overcomers"!
on the prepared dancing mood as the song promises to be the glorious
one to God's glory. Chris Jelavic is setting us to be englobe with
Christ given victory as we DANCE GO into the glorious 2017.
#Anticipate_Dance_Go #Jan1st #Chris_Jelavic #KingdomSinger
Twitter: @Chrisjelavic
Facebook: S.chrisjelavic