INTERVIEW : Ibadan is coming up in a big way, That's why I'm here to Invest in the City -- Dj Funky-Bee |@Djfunkybee

Can we meet You?
 Yes you can, i am Emmanuel Uemezue, popularly known as Dj Funky-Bee based in Ibadan.

What was your background like?
Born in a silver spoon, was lost and now found.

Why did you choose to be a Disk Jockey?
I have always been a party person from my young age,and most times at events i attend, when the Dj is playing and people ain't feeling him, i always have that passion and mindset of being in control of whats comes out of the speaker that would be entertaining to every listener.

What inspired you into this?
Nobody but party, party, party inspired me.

How did your family reacted to this after you told about doing this and how far have they been supporting you?
A big go ahead my child, my mum always gave her prayers.

Who are the Big DJ's you look up to in the Industry?
My mentors are the likes of  Dj Tim Mate, Dj Jamstar, Dj snoop (the damager), Dj Calvin Harris

Why staying in Ibadan why most personalities in the Entertainment Industry would always love to go Lagos? 
Yes, people think Lagos is a place to make it, that's true tho. but look at it, I was born and brought up in Lagos worked in so many club yet nothing, but was called from Ibadan and it was my first club and now am making it, I see it as my Foundation, bigger offers coming my way cause am not relaxed...

How can you describe the Entertainment industry and Ibadan and in Nigeria in general?
Entertainment as been before I came to the world, as a DJ I learnt mixing with the oldies, so it really made me understand and felt what it was like, and now we keeping it up and improving better, Ibadan is coming up in a big way, that was why I decided to stay put here and invest in the city of Ibadan.
I've also stayed in the city to accomplish the dreams of the people in the city of Ibadan and outside of Oyo state.

  "Ibadan is coming up in a big way, that was why I decided to stay put here and invest in the city of Ibadan"


How has the Journey been? 
Up and down, soon would be stable we give glory to God.

Any Regrets?
So many. But with God we move ahead,  All regrets has only made me stronger.

Any Plan to leave the industry soon?
Not sure, cause my passion for entertainment is so much.

What Are your good experiences and Bad experience in this Aspect of the Industry?
So many bad experience, I would just say the bad experience as just made stronger and better, that makes my good experience so great. 

Anything upcoming from u to your fans out there?
Big expectations from me.

What's up with u & Mauve Lounge?
Mauve lounge is a wonderful place to be, one of the biggest, best, conducive area, and a Yanki based setting, that any Dj given the privilege would be willing to participate in it. Mauve lounge made me from a boy to a Man,  and still going forward.

Any Endsorement deal?
Entertainment is a round-table, and I would say Mauve lounge is my Endorsement for now.

What's your relationship with other DJ's in town and across?
I love been around all types of  Dj's, mostly Dj's across-the-board, I love every DJ,  I would never condemn any DJ, instead I give advice with the little knowledge have gained and my experience with lots of Dj's.

In the next 3-4 years where do u feel you'll be?
I see myself as an international DJ, that would be known nationwide, by then people would see me and take me as a mentor, because am going to create a DJ & events school.

Words for upcoming and aspiring DJ's out there?
Ok, like me I dropped out of school just to keep up with this and after all, the little funds I made, I gathered it up to get my 1st laptop then, and immediately got myself through school and also with help from others. So they stick to their passion because that is what might be their profession later in life.


Award Winning Blogger, Social Media Optimizer/Strategist & Entrepreneur.

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