Exclusive Intervew with Abeokuta/Ibadan Based Comedian "Dr Smile"

Dr smile is Ogun state most popular comedian, based in Abeokuta and Ibadan. His brand is fast becoming a household name in Southwest region of  Nigeria comedy scene. His unique brand of clean energetic comedy is insanely infectious and, with his quick wit and unpredictability, he is undisputedly a natural entertainer. Which gave him the title of Ogun state “KING OF COMEDY”  by his fans.
 In few words who is Dr Smile?
Hmmmm, Dr smile is a humble, gentle, blunt yet reserved guy, bottled by the environment he lives in, God fearing and adventurous. A father, husband, master of ceremony and a stand-up comedian.

Let us into a bit of your background?
I am OGUNLEYE OLUWAPAMILERIN OLAMILEKAN, I was born in Akure, the state capital of Ondo state in early 80’s , I attended Aquinas college & Akure academy for my secondary school, studied  linguistics at University of Ibadan, fourth out of six children. My growing up was fun, I enjoyed everything a child will enjoy.

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How long have you been in the industry and how has it been like so far?
I have been in the industry for 10years now I started in the year 2004 but professionally 7years, the first 3years I was only playing around, watch night of a thousand laugh and repeat the jokes exactly the way it was delivered at events. The journey has been rough, tough and rugged but with God on my side here I'm today, a comedian that started his career in Osun state no mentor, no guidance just learning from a CD but I thank God for how far.

Looking back to your humble beginning who will you give the credit to?
First of all. God the giver of life and talent, my fiancee (francisca) then now my wife she as been a pillar of support even when my family sees me as a mad man, she help me nurture the God given talent in me with the support of my friends, Tolu, Ajilore and Doyin Bello. I can't forget the man sent to me by GOD to rekindle the light that was put off by frustration of the society OMOBABA  NO 1,I met this fine boy as is fondly called, at a point when every big name in the industry don’t want to be friends with up coming, he showed me love, the first big comedian to call my line and he talked for 20mins, Seyi-Law also added to my growth.

 What stands you out from the crowd?
My ability to reach across cultures and break down social stereotype. I speak all the local dialect in southwest which is also a plus.

Who are your mentors in the industry?
I will always separate this mentor thing into two, my role model and mentors, let me start with role models like: Basketmouth, Okey Bakassi, Gbanga Adeyinka, Gordons, Seyilaw, Gandoki but my mentors :- Omobaba No1, Mc Abbey, Owen Gee, Lepacious Bose.

What's your relationship with Laf Up and Peteru, and other Ibadan based comedians, because I don't really hear you guys performing together or working together?
Ans: we are colleagues,  we organise events, people  invite us. so we will work together....laughssss. .

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Your career has been on the rise lately how does this make you feel?
Of course, I'm very happy, it's been a long time coming so I give God all the glory, 2014 is a big year for me, an undeniable highlight being my maiden edition of Dr Smile Unusual, at Obasanjo presidential library on April 21easter Monday, all Pre-sale tickets sold out in less than 24 days prompting an extra allocation to be released. The booking seemed ambitious for me, a comedian that seemed relative unknown. But now we thank God the story as changed.

What are the Challenges?
Challenges come in stages, now the only challenge I face now is been treated like an upcoming comedian by colleagues in Lagos because they don’t know you, a comedian who can't even afford his rent will be back stage advising and promising to help you. but seriously working on hitting Lagos market from here, if Maleke, Baba Kome, I go die can do it, I can achieve it.

Lagos is seen as entertainment headquarters why did you pick Ogun State?
There are golds everywhere just that some people are not trained to see it, I will rather be a king here than be a subject in Lagos, here I get busy because we are few and the price is worth it. Yinka Ayefele is in Ibadan yet rule Lagos events like ki lo de gan.

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What is Dr Smile comedian cooking for fans out there.
Ans: Working on my TV program something away from the usual and also planning the Rebirth: Drsmile Unusual season 3, Ibadan and Lagos editions.

How does your wife feels marrying a comedian?
She feels good. she is been there from the start she saw me grow from a departmental shows to corporate events, when am not at home and they are showing any comedy show on TV she will record it on her phone and play for me when am back.

How do you cope with female fans?
I am not a saint but I know when to put an end to friendship. I know the implication of loosing what I have now. Some ladies go to church to tempt pastor. who am i? But GOD has been there for me.

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Any award so far?
Yes, i won Southwest Most City People southwest comedian of the year 2015 Comedian of the year 2015 (Ogun State Student Association ) outstanding Comedian (E-zone Africa awards 2013). Ogun State Comedian of the Year (Egba Youth Awards 2013 & 2014) Best Comedian of the Year (OOU awards 2014), Osun State Comedian of the Year (Osun Entertainment  Awards 2012 &2013), Artist of the Year (2008) and still counting....

Where do you see Dr Smile in the next ten years?
Doing good and enjoying grace of God.

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Words for up coming comedian?
There's no short way to lasting success, what you sow is what you reap, also I’ll advise them to be prayerful and you'll see your dreams coming through.

Award Winning Blogger, Social Media Optimizer/Strategist & Entrepreneur.

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